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Concordian International School

Healthy Relationships: It Takes Two

Emotional Aspects of a Relationship

One important aspect of any relationship is communication. Telling another person your thoughts, feelings, and ideas can be difficult but it is a key piece of keeping a relationship healthy.

So is listening.

The resources below should help you navigate these ideas, and they have been chosen because they are reliable and authoritative. If you find any broken links, please tell a librarian!

Physical Aspects of a Relationship

The resources cover a variety of perspectives around sexual activity. They have been chosen because they are reliable and authoritative. If you find any broken links, please tell a librarian!

Sexual and Gender Identity

The resources cover a variety of perspectives around sexual activity. They have been chosen because they are reliable and authoritative. If you find any broken links, please tell a librarian!


And in Thailand, from Mahidol University, Plan International Thailand, UNESCO Bangkok Office, 2014 

  • (56%) of self-identified LGBT students in the study reported having been bullied within the past month because of their sexual orientation or gender identity. 
  • Among students that did not identify as LGBT, 25% reported being bullied because they were perceived to be transgender or same-sex attracted. 
  • When compared, lesbian, female bisexual and tom students had a higher prevalence of victimization due to their perceived sexual orientation or gender identity.
  • Around two-thirds (68%) of victims of anti-LGBT bullying said they did not report these incidents or even talk about them with anyone.