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Concordian International School

Teacher Resources: Home


Welcome to the Concordian International School  Library Website

“Librarians are subversive. You think they're just sitting there at the desk, all quiet and everything. They're like plotting the revolution, man. I wouldn't mess with them.” ― Michael Moore

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Useful Teacher Websites

Teachers are amazing because they never stop learning. No matter how expert we are, there is always something to learn from others. Here are some websites to go to for ideas, inspirations, tools and overall professional development.

Teacher Resource List in the Library

Search the library catalog for teacher professional development and teacher references.  Use special searching strategies to locate the TR


Also check the  resource categories below :

Videos and Podcasts

Chinese Librarian

Credit Box

This LibGuide was created by Roxy Yuen and Isabel Olean

Concordian International School, Bangkok

The content is shared under a Creative Commons Attribution Non-commercial license.