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Concordian International School

Infographic Analysis: Analysis Protocol

Infographic Analysis Protocol

Analyzing an infographic requires attention to detail!

Using the 4 Parts to an Infographic box analyze the Emotional IQ and YOU infographic ► This example will give you an idea of how to do this:

Step 1: First Impression. Look at the infographic as a whole. Scan the document from top to bottom and note what sticks out to you. What is your first impression? List 3 things you notice immediately. For each thing you notice, list what it makes you think.

Ex: The first thing I noticed about this infographic is that it has a brain at the top, and this makes me think this infographic may explain something having to do with intelligence.

Step 2: The Story. What are the main points or arguments this infographic is trying to get across to its audience and how are they shown in the infographic?

Ex: The first main argument is asking if emotional intelligence leads to a higher job performance. It is illustrated as being in large bold salmon colored letters. The part that says "improved job performance" is larger and bolder than first part of the sentence.

Step 3: The Data. What are the supporting details for each main argument or point? For each of the points provide 1 or 2 of the supporting details that the infographic provides. Restate in YOUR OWN WORDS. Does the creator provide the sources of the information and do they seem credible? Use Evaluate Sources

Ex: The supporting details for the first argument are that 1 in 3 hiring managers think that emotional intelligence is an important consideration when hiring or promoting candidates. The second detail is that 71% or hiring managers said that it is more important than IQ. The creator provides links to sources and it is created by a university school of business so it seems believeable,

Step 4: The Strategy. Answer the following questions in complete sentences:

  1. Who is this infograpic targeting? Why? How can you tell?
  2. What are the colors being used? Why do you think the creator used these colors?
  3. How does the creator use font to emphasize certain things?
  4. What are the images the creator uses? How do they add to or take away from the textual information?

Adapted from  EDDA Educating for Democracy in a Digital Age

Emotional IQ and You Info-graphic to Analyze

Emotional IQ and YOU

From Visually.