Business Insights: Global
This link opens in a new windowBusiness Insights: Global is a unique source for international business intelligence offering the most comprehensive and convenient way to find case studies, in-depth statistical data coupled with deep research, and the ability to compare global economies, countries and industries.
Global Issues in Context
This link opens in a new windowGlobal Issues in Context offers international viewpoints on a broad spectrum of global issues, topics, and current events. Featured are hundreds of continuously updated issue and country portals that bring together a variety of specially selected, highly relevant sources for analysis of these issues. Rich multimedia - including podcasts, video, and interactive graphs - enhance each portal. Use Browse Issues and Topics, Country Finder, Basic Search or Advanced Search to explore the database.
"GreenFILE covers the connections between the environment and a variety of disciplines such as agriculture, education, law, health and technology. This free research database offers indexing and abstracts for more than 806,000 records and open access full text for more than 12,000 records.Key journals include Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, Conservation Biology, Forest Ecology & Management, International Journal of Green Energy, and Journal of Wildlife Management."
1500-1700 (Emergence of Modern Europe); 1500-1776 (The World Beyond Europe); 1700-1800 (The Age of Reason); 1776-1825 (A Time of Revolutions); 1776-1914 (Spheres of Influence); 1815-1914 (The Rise of Nationalism); 1800-1914 (The Rise of the Industrial Revolution); 1914-1945 (The World at War); 1945-1991 (The Cold War); 1991- Present (A New Millennium)
Buddhism, Christianity, Chinese Religions, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism, New Religions, Shinto, Traditional Religions, Western Esotericism, Unbelief, Other Faiths & Beliefs
New / Trial Databases
The following databases are newly acquired or being evaluated for a future subscription.
A leading resource for scholarly research. It supports high-level research in the key areas of academic study by providing journals, periodicals, reports, books and more.
A digital library of playscripts, filmed live performances, audio plays, and scholarly works on theory and criticisms. Especially useful are the play finder and monologue search tools, theatre craft, genres, periods, practitioners.
ID: concordian PW: media
"GreenFILE covers the connections between the environment and a variety of disciplines such as agriculture, education, law, health and technology. This free research database offers indexing and abstracts for more than 806,000 records and open access full text for more than 12,000 records.Key journals include Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, Conservation Biology, Forest Ecology & Management, International Journal of Green Energy, and Journal of Wildlife Management."
Science Journal
This link opens in a new windowSubscription to current and archives issues of:
Science Advances
Science Immunology
Science Robotics
Science Signaling
Science Translational Medicine consolidates statistical data on over 80,000 topics from more than 22,500 sources and makes it available on four platforms: German, English, French and Spanish.
1500-1700 (Emergence of Modern Europe); 1500-1776 (The World Beyond Europe); 1700-1800 (The Age of Reason); 1776-1825 (A Time of Revolutions); 1776-1914 (Spheres of Influence); 1815-1914 (The Rise of Nationalism); 1800-1914 (The Rise of the Industrial Revolution); 1914-1945 (The World at War); 1945-1991 (The Cold War); 1991- Present (A New Millennium)
Buddhism, Christianity, Chinese Religions, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism, New Religions, Shinto, Traditional Religions, Western Esotericism, Unbelief, Other Faiths & Beliefs