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Concordian International School

Personal Project: Supervisors

Role of the Supervisor

The Supervisors' Responsibilities:

  • Do not have to be experts in the topic, simply guide students through the process of their project and be knowledgeable about the criteria.
  • Ensure topic satisfies appropriate legal and ethical standards (health and safety, confidentiality, human rights, animal welfare, and environmental issues).
  • Ensure project is authentic and entirely student’s work. (IB’s academic honesty form to be submitted with the student’s final report).
  • Ensure the student has access to the support material required for them to independently manage their personal project (library PP guide).
  • Remind the student of all deadlines (library PP guide).
  • Ensure the student keeps a detailed process journal (please ask them for evidence).
  • Offer positive, constructive oral and written comments at each stage of development of the personal project using the assessment criteria as the basis (twice in writing for the written report).
  • Inform the Personal Project Coordinator when you have significant concerns about the student’s progress, organisation, etc.
  • Attend the Exhibition.

Supervisor Forms & Mandatory Documents

Meeting Tips

The First Meeting:

It is really important to get to know your student and their personal interest in their topic. You may also wish to set up some essential agreements between you and the student. These can include:

  • How often you want to meet
  • Where you want to meet
  • How you want to be contacted (email, calendar invite, face to face)
  • How far in advance you want them to contact you for a meeting

This is also a good time to find out which part of the project students feel they might struggle with, and a great opportunity to learn about what other things add to their workload (clubs, sports, competitions).

You may also ask students how they are documenting their progress, it is encouraged that they use multiple platforms (digital documents, paper, video, voice recordings, photos, etc) so they may share a google drive folder with you or bring a notebook. However, remind them that regular uploads or scans of this work must be put on Managebac. 

More tips for supervisors here.

Subsequent Meetings:

All students may not be at the same stage of the process in the project or complete their actions in the same order, however, here are some questions that can help guide your meetings with students, along with asking to see evidence of their process journal.

Empowering Students as Self-managed learners:

Use the GROWTH model:

Goals: What do you need to achieve?
Reality: What is happening now?
Options: What could you do?
Will: What will you do?
Tactics: How and when will you do it?
Habits: How will you sustain your success?

Criterion A: Investigating

  • What were your initial ideas and how did you narrow them down to a specific goal?
  • What parts of your goal are highly challenging and how is it a SMART goal?
  • How can you focus your project through the lens of the global context that is most appropriate?
  • How is your goal motivated by your personal interest?
  • What prior knowledge and skills will help you be successful in achieving your goal?
  • Where are your process journal entries with evidence of on-going reflection, especially regarding the development of ATLs?
  • Where is your relevant research? What other resources can you consult? 
  • What evaluation of your sources (OPVL) have you completed? 
  • Which IB learner profile will the project allow you to demonstrate?


Criterion B: Planning

  • What is your approach to planning and recording the development process of your project, including your deadlines? 
  • How often do you update your action plan?
  • What are your success criteria for your product/outcome? Are your specifications well thought out and appropriate?
  • Are you continually self-assessing your progress using your success criteria?
  • How are you demonstrating self-management skills?
  • How are you demonstrating affective skills?
  • Where are your process journal entries with evidence of on-going reflection, especially regarding the development of ATLs?


Criterion C: Taking Action

  • How are you referring to your success criteria to improve your product/outcome?
  • How have you had to adjust your planning process as new deadlines or challenges emerge?
  • How is your understanding of the topic developing as you work on your product/outcome?
  • What obstacles have you encountered? How have you overcome them using your problem-solving skills?
  • How have you generated new ideas and perspectives? How have you connected what you already know to what you are learning while taking action?
  • How have you taken feedback from others and incorporated it into your product/outcome?
  • How have you developed flexible thinking surrounding the ethical impact of your product/outcome?
  • How have you employed your prior learning in the creation of your product/outcome?
  • How have you used your subject-specific skills and knowledge in multiple contexts?
  • What new insight do you have into your chosen global context?
  • How have you developed a deeper sense of empathy?
  • How have you developed intercultural understanding?
  • How have you managed to resolve conflict and work collaboratively with others?
  • How have you taken responsibility for your actions?
  • How are you making the process of creating visible through your process journal?

Criterion D: Reflection

  • How can you evaluate the strengths, weaknesses and possible improvements to your product/outcome?
  • How has completing the project extended your knowledge and understanding of your topic?
  • How has completing the project extended your knowledge and understanding of your global context?
  • How has completing the project extended your development of new or existing skills?
  • How has completing the project extended your development as an IB Learner (refer to learner profile)?
  • How has reflecting throughout the project inquiry cycle informed your next steps while taking action?