Welcome to the Concordian International School Library Website
“Librarians are subversive. You think they're just sitting there at the desk, all quiet and everything. They're like plotting the revolution, man. I wouldn't mess with them.” ― Michael Moore
Here are several eBook resources from our collection. Log in to your Concordian email to view the books. If you have any issues regarding the access, please see or email the Librarians.
Get hold of our Kindle ereaders and choose books to read. Check our list of titles! We currently have 5 kindles at the Secondary Library. Books are a mixture of Fiction from different genres and Non fiction books on language, science, history, sociology, psychology business and finance.
Search our online Library catalog for thousands of ebooks and other digital resources.
Check our eBooks from Britannica Digital Learning Collection. All eBooks can be read on-or-off campus. Unlimited access is provided, hence, class reading can be assigned. Coverage ranges from science to Spanish, STEM, history, psychology, social issues and more. Books are suitable for Grades 5 up.
Our CREDO collection has over a thousand titles of eBook reference sources to help you begin your research. All subject areas in our curriculum are covered . Log in to access out of campus.
Find Thousands of authoritative eBook from JSTOR. Search below and access from our JSTOR account accesible in school and out of campus. Thousands of titles are now available from publishers such as University of California Press, Cornell University Press, NYU Press, and University of Michigan Press, and new titles that are added regularly.
This LibGuide was created by Roxy Yuen
Concordian International School, Bangkok
The content is shared under a Creative Commons Attribution Non-commercial license.