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IB Ethical Practice

Ethical Practice in the IB Programme

  1. Directly quoting another person’s actual words, whether oral or written;
  2. Using another person’s ideas, opinions, or theories;
  3. Paraphrasing the words, ideas, opinions, or theories of others, whether oral or written;
  4. Borrowing facts, statistics, or illustrative material; or
  5. Offering materials assembled or collected by others in the form of projects or collections without acknowledgment.

An Educator's Guide to Combating Bullying & Bully Prevention

Videos to Watch

The untold story of bullying, told by Ditch the Label – an award-winning, national anti-bullying charity.

Might make you cry :(

Concordian International Schools: Parent/Student Handbook



By attending CONCORDIAN, a CONCORDIAN student agrees to the following:

1. IB Student

Self Care and Respect

I agree to take care of myself physically and mentally, and, if I don't have it already, to develop a positive attitude toward myself. This means that I will:

  • keep my mind and body free of illegal drugs, tobacco, and alcohol
  • not harm myself or put myself down
  • ask questions and ask for help when needed
  • act maturely when the situation calls for it.

2. Courtesy and Respect for Others -- No Bullying

I agree to be kind to others and treat each person with whom I come in contact with dignity and respect. This means that I will:

  • solve problems without physical violence, threats or use of offensive language or offensive physical gestures
  • listen respectfully and not interrupt others
  • try to see the other person's side
  • respect other people's property, ideas, opinions, and space
  • work towards equality and fair movement of each person
  • try not to judge others unfairly
  • always attempt to resolve differences peacefully.
  • If necessary, I will ask for adult intervention or mediation to help resolve a conflict before it escalates.

This also means I will not:

  • participate in physical, sexual, or mental harassment or abuse of others
  • use racial epithets or make racial slurs
  • engage in name calling or put down, or participate in gossip or spreading of rumors, make fun of or belittle others.

Additionally this means that I will exhibit courteous behavior that allows fellow students to reach their full educational potential and that reflects positively on CONCORDIAN, I will not: 

  • engage in behavior that distracts me or others from learning, such as talking when others are talking, throwing objects across the room, marking on other students, engaging in horseplay, running around the classroom
  • engage in other disruptive behavior using contraband items or eating or drinking in the classroom except when allowed.

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This LibGuide was created by Kathy Fester

Concordian International School, Bangkok

The content is shared under a Creative Commons Attribuition-Noncommerical license.