D.4 Induction (HL only)
How does the induced emf change when the frequency of the rotation increases? Why?
ONLY USE THE CIRCUIT ON THE LEFT (ignore the right circuit)
What happens to the current?
Why does the current not increase to its maximum value instantly?
What happens to the current?
Why does the current not drop to 0 instantly?
ONLY LOOK AT THE LEFT CIRCUIT (ignore the circuit on the right)
The simulation show two voltages. Supply voltage V0 and the induced voltage V in the coil. Observe these two voltages.
Task 1
What happens to the maximum current generated? Why?
What happens to the induced voltage in the coil? Why?
Task 2
What can you say about the relative timings of Vo and V?
When is the induced voltage V maximum/minimum? Why?
When is the induced voltage V equal to 0? Why?